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We are afraid of missing any opportunity to serve you, and we are committed to planting every seed in every customer's heart.

Professional team to weave unlimited possibilities for you

With all-round thinking and multi-dimensional creativity, we provide flexible planning and solutions for our clients, and work with enterprises to create brand growth!

    • 2 people
    • Information Security Department
      Guard the gate of information security
    • 2 people
    • Marketing Department
      Mission Accomplished
    • 9 people
    • Engineering Development Department
      Professional and efficient
    • 4 people
    • UI/UX Design Department
      Creativity, Planning
    • 2 people
    • Human Resource Management
      Sowing operation guarding
    • 資訊安全部人員圖示
    • Information Security Department
    • 企業行銷部人員圖示
    • Marketing Department
    • 資訊工程開發部人員圖示
    • Engineering Development Department
    • UI/UX網頁設計師圖示
    • UI/UX Design Department
    • 人力資源部人員圖示
    • Human Resource Management

Our Strengths

With all-round thinking and multi-dimensional creativity, we provide flexible planning and solutions for our clients, and work with enterprises to create brand growth!

    • #Exclusive Customization
    • Customization
      • RWD Responsive Web Page
      • SEO Keyword Analysis
      • Tool Utilization
      • Program Functions
    Digital Marketing
    • #Digital Marketing
    • Digital Marketing
      • RWD Responsive Web Page
      • SEO Keyword Analysis
      • Tool Utilization
    Integrated Services
    • #Integrated Services
    • Integrated Services
      • Online streaming
      • professional packages
      • database integration
    Information Security
    • #Information Security
    • Information Security
      • Independent Domain
      • Background Program Maintenance
      • Data Backup
      • Security Certification Counseling
      • Information Protection Software and Hardware Distribution
      • Information Security Inspection

We plan the website planning for many enterprises and organizations

Sowing has a professional teamto provide your project planning, planning friendly Our UI/UX design is worthy of your trust and trust.

  • 中華開發金控
  • 新北市政府
  • 新北市政府教育局
  • 北藝
  • 文化國小
  • 真耶穌教會